RVA Running Man

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Five Ways to Sabotage Your Training

Do you remember the day the idea of training popped into your head? Whatever your goal might've been, I'm sure you were excited to be venturing into something new. Initially, you may have only thought of all the positive things your new adventure would bring. But there's also a long list of things that can go wrong along your journey of accomplishing your goals. While we can't prevent all setbacks, some things are well within our control to avoid. With that said, below is my list of five ways that you can ruin your training experience.

  1. Not Having Fun -

    Most people train in their free time. No one wants to do something that makes them miserable in their free time. If your training is becoming akin to a chore, it's time you change your approach. Invite friends to work out with you; a change of scenery may be in order, or you may need to change your workout intensity. Do whatever it takes to make your training less chore and more FUN. 

  2. Doing Too Much Too Soon -

    If you've never run before, starting your training with a five-mile run is not ideal. Training at a pace that you are not ready for can also be discouraging. The safe bet is to progress to this point in your workouts naturally. Using this method can help you avoid injuries that can derail your training. Seasoned athletes can also fall into the Doing Too Much trap. If MOST of your training sessions are done at an event pace, you are elevating the risk of injuring yourself (I've seen this happen). Our bodies aren't built to go full throttle every day. Easing things back will help you in the long run. 

  3. Wearing the Wrong Gear -

    This is hard to pinpoint for the people who are just starting because, as a wise person once told me, "we don't know what we don't know." Wearing the wrong clothes and shoes can cause all kinds of problems, to name a few: chafing, overheating, and lower leg injuries. Everyone's different. It's essential to find the workout gear that works for you as soon as possible.

  4. Not Committing to Training -

    If you're 100 percent committed the first week of your training, and there are no external obstacles to prevent you from staying committed to your training, you need to keep that momentum until you reach your goal. Committing half-hearted is setting yourself up for disappointment. 

  5.  Expecting Instant Results -

    Hopping on the scale after every workout can be a crushing experience. Not seeing the results you envisioned can be discouraging. Patience is the key. You are not going to build your future sculpted abs in a day. Trust the process.