RVA Running Man

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The Pros and Cons of Running on Roads, Trails, and the Treadmill

One thing that I LOVE about running as a hobby is that I have the option to have a change of scenery for each of my workouts. My training runs alternate between trails, roads, and occasionally the treadmill. Each of these options has its advantages and disadvantages. Here’s is a list of my Pros and Cons for each:

Road Running

Running on roads is the O.G. of modern-day running. This environment is easily accessible and hosts most of the popular race events.


  • Roads are Bug-Free...Not many bugs will bother you on the open road.
  • If you prefer group runs, this is the most favorable environment.
  • Most road hazards can be seen well in advance.


My Road Running Movie Comp:

Forest Gump

Trail Running

Running on trails offers the most scenic environment of the three training options. The terrain can be challenging, but the environment is an excellent change of pace from training on roads.


  • Traditionally trails are paved in dirt, gravel, or grass. These softer surfaces are easier on joints.

  • Nature! You can see some fantastic things on a trail. I’ve witnessed waterfalls, mountains, beaches, and exotic animals, just to name a few.

  • Wooded trails are a nice escape from the sun on hot days.


  • The terrain can be hazardous. I’ve witnessed tree roots and bulging rocks cause nasty injuries.

  • Nature! Allergens, pesky bugs, and risky encounters with wild animals are all fair game in this environment.

  • Special shoes are needed. Trail shoes can be pricey. While not required, they provide better traction than regular running shoes.

My Trail Running Movie Comp:

The Hobbit An Unexpected Journey

Treadmill Running

Training on the treadmill gives you the ability to train in a climate-controlled environment.


  • Ability to train in a climate-controlled environment.

  • The machine offers multiple training options (speed, hills, intervals).


  • Running in place can be boring

  • Gym membership or financial investment is required for a treadmill.

My Treadmill Running Movie Comp:

Rocky 4

Out of the 3, I prefer running on trails. I am an adventurer at heart, so the trail environment feels like home to me. Which of the 3 running environments do you prefer to train ?