RVA Running Man

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To Stretch or Not to Stretch ?

In elementary, I remember one of the first things that I was taught in gym class was the importance of stretching before a workout to prevent injury. As I've gotten older and a little more stubborn, my programmed need to stretch has slowly faded into a sometimes I do stretch, and sometimes I don't. I usually finish my workouts no worse for the wear in either case.

In recent years, I've noticed that I'm not alone in my rebellious attitude against what some call an essential part of a workout. Others in the fitness community have also questioned whether the "stretch before you workout" narrative is true.

One theory that I've seen at the center of this debate is that stretching weakens your muscles and causes muscle fatigue, which can cause cramping or injury during a workout.

One article that I've read on the subject stated that the problem is not with the stretching activity but the method of stretching used. Two of the most common forms of stretching are dynamic stretching and static stretching.

Static stretches are poses performed in a stationary position for 30 to 45 seconds. Examples of static stretches are the seated butterfly stretch, the standing calf stretch, and the shoulder stretch.

Dynamic stretches are movements designed to get your blood flowing and muscles loose and ready for your activity. Examples of dynamic stretching include butt kicks, high knees, and the karaoke drill.

Studies have shown that both methods can be effective depending on when there done. For example, static stretching before a run or any high-intensity activity may not be the best method to use. The prolonged stationary poses used in static stretching weaken muscles significantly more than in dynamic stretching. The best method would be dynamic because it mimics the muscle movement performed at a lower intensity. The static stretching method is best if the physical activity is less intense.

So which of the two stretching methods do you use regularly? Static or Dynamic? Or are you a running rebel like me and stretch sparingly?