Finish Your Workouts Strong

What's the most important part of a 30-minute training run? The first 29 and a half minutes or the last 30 seconds?

This question was debated during my run today, and I came to one conclusion. Both segments of the run are essential, but the last 30 seconds hold more value for me.

My explanation: In those last 30 seconds, I push my body well beyond my comfort zone to a cadence that requires me to dig deep to use energy reserves I don't usually use. The last 30 seconds of my run is where I challenge my most fierce adversary, the clock. 

When I hit a personal record (PR), it's usually by seconds. I fight the hardest to gain that time coming to the finish line. 

Finish Strong: The personal practice of "finishing strong" can make a lousy workout a good one and a good workout great. It could be the difference between an athlete obtaining a world record or just missing it. 

I used to think of those last 30 seconds of my workouts as a count down to when I could finally rest. I'd geared down and be thankful that my self-inflicted punishment was over. That got me nowhere. I now attack it knowing that what awaits me on the other side is the stronger version of myself that I'm aiming to be. After all, what's the purpose of the workout if not to be better. 


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